Stay with me, the previews of the fourth episode on Rai 1

StWe are exactly halfway through the fiction Stay with me. Up tonight Rai 1 the fourth episode will be aired, during which we will see some important turning points. Alexander he discovers that the city’s dungeons are being used by the thermal lance gang to land hits. And not only.

The policeman trusts more and more of Savior And Linda and less and less of the colleagues of the Mobile team: in fact he suspects that there is one mole inside. Nunzia starts a secret investigation that he takes care of himself. The most interesting novelty of the episode, however, is the decision of Alessandro and Paola to adopt little Diego, left without a father.

Stay with me: previews of the fourth episode

The coup at the port of Naples by the band of the thermal lance left the death of a vigilante on the ground. Alexander (Francis Ark), Savior (Antonio Milo) e Linda (Chiara Celotto) work on the nocturnal cases and at the same time look for new traces on the gang that ruined the life of the deputy commissioner. Under an overpass it comes found the lifeless body of an illegal Pakistani. He was beaten to death. It is a boy who frequented an immigrant shop, also well known by the robbery gang. In fact, it seems that they were the ones who stole money from the clandestine network through the city’s basements.

There is one more case that the team has to solve, and it has to do with the family that runs the restaurant where Alessandro, Salvatore and Linda they have dinner before going on duty. Enzo, the boyfriend of Giamila, the young owner, was found lifeless and with a deep cut to his throat. What happened in the family home? It seems that a furious argument has broken out. Why?

Francis Ark. (Photo by Gianni Fiorito)

Suspicion of a mole within the flying squad

Among the personal effects of the vigilante killed at the port there is a pair of glasses that do not belong to the victim, as confirmed by the father. Behind those glasses hides an encrypted code which leads to specific places in the basement of the city. Alessandro suspects that there is a mole in Mobile and that allowed an agreement between the gang and the Camorra.

The deputy commissioner only talks about it to Nunzia (Maria Pia Calzone), the leader of the team, who takes charge of a secret investigation of his agents. Stephen (Amedeo Gullà), the young policeman, brother of Ilaria and Alexander’s sidekick, he is the first to arouse suspicion because he behaves evasively with everyone. What is he hiding?

Paola and Alessandro adopt Diego

Diego (Mario Di Leva) becomes the glue between Paola (Laura Adriani) e Alexander. Paola and her colleague Valerio manage to find a couple ready to foster the orphaned child. Diego’s peremptory refusal, however, pushes Paola to understand how important she and her husband are to the child’s life. The two decide to adopt him. Alexander he never had any doubts.

