Stay with me: last episode, previews and plot of the finale

Lin last night’s episode of Stay with me left in suspense: Diego points a gun at Tarek and fires a shot. Alessandro tries to prevent it, but fails. Tonight – come on Rai 1 at 21.25 – we will watch the last episode of Monica Vullo’s fiction. The most dramatic.

Diego and Tarek luckily they are not injured, Alessandro makes all the evidence of that dramatic moment disappear, but someone films the scene, which goes viral on social media. At that point Diego’s adoption is suspended. It’s a new heart leap for Paula and Alexander. Meanwhile, the band of the thermal lance scores the biggest blow, but the knots begin to come to a head: it will be discovered what happened to Stefano and who is the spy inside the Flying Squad. For Alessandro it is a second punch in the stomach after the death of Gennaro.

Stay with me: the previews of the last episode

Alexander (Francesco Arca) hides all the clues of that extreme gesture by Diego who is in shock. Someone filmed the scene which soon went viral on social media. Alessandro is suspended from the police and also the adoption practice. At that point the only way to adopt Gennaro’s son is divorce Paula.

There band of the thermal lance is preparing a big blow, Salvatore (Antonio Milo) is suspicious. They haven’t made a move since the robbery at the port, here the cat is hatching! Squires still try to convince Capuano, the expert man of the underground of Naples and just released from prison, to collaborate with the police. Meanwhile, the night intervention team discovers that the Capuano’s brother-in-law is a member of the gang.

Capuano decides to collaborate, calls Alessandro for an appointment, but before the meeting he is killed by the spy who roams the police. Now it’s up to Alessandro & Co. to collect the clues to find out who he is and where he is truth behind Gennaro’s death.

Stefano’s intimate secret

What happened to Stefano? The sister Ilaria he doesn’t give up, but his traces are increasingly faded. Had she discovered something she shouldn’t have? Probably Stefano had guessed who had deceived Gennaro. The neighbor of the aspiring deputy commissioner shows up with the police: she hears noises in Stefano’s apartment.

There is indeed a man. He is arrested and interrogated. He too is looking for Stefano: he knows him very well because he is the his mate. No one in the police was aware of the boy’s sexual orientation, not even his sister Ilaria. «Stefano was terrified of your judgment»the man reveals to the policemen.

Amedeo Gullà as Stefano. (Photo by Gianni Fiorito)

Who is the Flying Squad’s spy?

The last part of the episode focuses on the Mobile spy. Monica Vullo shows a long flashback, in which the double agent is involved in a car accident which will lead him into an abyss that is impossible to trace. He is threatened by the leader of the gang. The dark side begins to devour him and he leaves one dead after another.

When the gang manages to score yet another coup by burglarizing the vault of the court, Salvatore gives a suggestion to Alessandro: «Do not trust anybodynot even the unsuspected». Scudieri follows the words of his colleague e to the letter discovers a truth more stark than he ever imagined.

The second season of Stay with me it will do?

The plays of Stay with me they fulfilled mum’s high plans Rai. The average of viewers in front of the fiction headed by the deputy commissioner Scudieri was of over 3.5 million. A very good result if you compare with the last installment of Commissioner Ricciardi 2 I got the same data.

Will there be a second season? Of nocturnal cases many more could be churned out, and many other gangs of robbers could be invented, furthermore the personal story of Alexander left some loose ends. The writers have the task of putting their hands on it.

