Statutory minimum wage will increase by an additional 1.2 percent as of July 1 | News item

News item | 15-01-2024 | 13:21

The statutory minimum wage will increase by 1.2 percent as of July 1, 2024 and will also be indexed. The emergency law required for this was sent to the House of Representatives today.

The additional increase in the minimum wage stems from an amendment by the House of Representatives. As a result, the minimum wage is expected to rise from €13.27 per hour now to at least €13.43 per hour from July 1. It is not yet known what exactly the 1.2 percent increase as of July 1 will mean for the wallet. This depends on the six-monthly indexation of the minimum wage: every six months the minimum wage increases in line with collective labor agreement wages. The amounts will be announced in the spring of 2024. The higher minimum wage also affects benefits such as social assistance, AOW and UWV benefits.

Minimum hourly wage

As of January 1, 2024, the statutory minimum wage also increased by 3.75 percent. This is the result of regular indexation. From this date, the Netherlands also has an hourly minimum wage, instead of a monthly minimum wage. This is beneficial for minimum wage earners with a longer working week than 36 hours. Read more here: Minimum wage increased and introduction of uniform hourly wage as of January 1, 2024 | News item |
