Status holders who live in the Zuidwolde villa move to Hoofdstraat

The emergency reception location for status holders along the Ommerweg in Zuidwolde will stop. At the beginning of December, the residents will move to another location on Hoofdstraat in the village.

The status holders currently still live in a villa along the Ommerweg. The owner of the building has previously indicated that he would eventually like to put it back into use himself. To accommodate the people, a new shelter has been designated, behind the former building of the De Wolden fishmonger. The location is currently being prepared and can accommodate up to fifteen people.

In the municipality of De Wolden there are three crisis reception locations where a total of 43 asylum seekers/status holders are received. Initially, these were intended for a maximum of three months. The people would then be housed in a regular asylum seeker center.

Given the situation in Ter Apel and the overcrowded asylum seekers’ centers in the country, COA hopes that as many emergency locations as possible will remain. The wish has been shared with many municipalities and therefore also with De Wolden.

De Wolden complies with COA’s wishes. The three locations in the municipality have therefore been extended until the end of 2024. Two places along Hoofdstraat were already in use for emergency shelter. With the move from Ommerweg to Hoofdstraat, there will soon be three.

Security is present at every location, the municipal council said. Dorpsbelangen has been informed of the situation. “They have indicated that they have no objection to the extension of the crisis emergency shelter locations,” can be read in a letter from the municipality.

“The residents living near the emergency crisis reception locations for asylum seekers have been personally informed. They also have no objection to an extension of the emergency crisis reception for asylum seekers.”

The municipality has also decided to extend many of the reception locations for Ukrainian refugees. In De Wolden, 113 refugees are spread over nine different locations. Almost all places will remain available until March 4, 2025.

Only the agreement for the location along the Molenstraat in Zuidwolde lasts shorter. The spot is available until July 1, 2024, because the owner may have plans for the building for the period afterwards.
