Station cat Brammetje is back: “He’s just sitting on the platform again”

Station cat Brammetje is back and can be found again at station Purmerend-Weidevenne. When owner Anneke Rost arrived at the station this morning, Brammetje was ‘just’ sitting on the platform. The hangover had been missing since Wednesday morning. Where he has been in recent days remains a mystery.

Station cat Brammetje – Purr.merend

She announced the happy news this morning the radio broadcast of media partner RTV Purmerend. Anneke is with her hangover at Weidevenne station and is very happy. “I just came here and looked for him. He’s just back on the platform, on the bench, surrounded by all his fans,” she says. “I’m so happy, I’m all shivering. A minute ago I walk up here and he’s just sitting like nothing happened.”

Anneke does not know where Brammetje has been the past few days. “Last night I got reports that he was here, so I went here a few times late last night. But he wasn’t there.” Anneke couldn’t sleep and went straight back to the station this morning to search.


On Wednesday evening, Anneke saw the Facebook message from NS employee Janet Kuperus-Kerpentier. She had seen Brammetje sitting on a woman’s lap at 6:00 in the morning. That in itself is not surprising, because the hangover will lie on everyone’s lap. The woman has a child in a pram with her and a man is standing next to her. He seems to fit in.

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“The moment the woman gets up and continues to hold the cat, I keep an eye on it,” Janet previously said. “I see that the woman walks towards the stairs and elevator and hands the cat over to the man. This man then sprints down the stairs with the cat and gets into a kind of gray sports car a little further on and drives away. The woman walks back and then gets out on the train with the pram.” Janet has spoken to the woman, but received no response.

“He is actually more from Purmerend than from me”

Anneke Rost – Owner of Brammetje

Brammetje is now a real celebrity, with more than 5,000 fans on Facebook. Anneke doesn’t always like that her cat is always so sweet to everyone and hangs out at the station. “You just can’t stop him,” she says in the RTV Purmerend radio broadcast. About 7 years ago Brammetje got his owner for the first time pictures of a red male at the station. She does worry. “He also walks on the train tracks and I love him dearly. But this is really what he wants. He is now with people again.”

Anneke still has four cats at home, but they are not as adventurous as Brammetje. “In the winter he just sleeps at home, but with this nice weather he really only comes to eat and he goes out again.” Anneke laughs: “He is actually more from Purmerend than from me.”
