Statement on coke allegations: Eintracht President Fischer speaks of character assassination

Status: 09.02.2023 6:13 p.m

Eintracht President Peter Fischer defends himself against all allegations of cocaine and launches a counterattack. The accusations are unfounded, the raid on Fischer’s apartment is illegal.

In the middle of the investigations against Peter Fischer the lawyers for the president of Eintracht Frankfurt spoke up on Thursday and in a statement defended themselves against all allegations. Fischer announced that the allegations were unfounded. He will defend himself “with all determination”.

In the letter, which is available to hr-sport, the lawyers confirm that a small amount of marijuana and a “white sticky substance” were found during a house search on January 31. The allegation that Fischer’s 13-year-old son had access to cocaine and used the drugs together with a school friend was part of an “initiated character assassination campaign”.

Boyfriend’s mother charged Fischer

The lawyers also state that after looking at the investigation files, the search of Fischer’s apartment in Frankfurt’s Westend, in which he lived at the time with his partner, his younger son and a household help, was illegal.

Background: The cause of the cocaine raid was the complaint by the mother of a school friend of Fischer’s son, who stated that Fischer’s son and her son had snorted cocaine together as part of a school event with an overnight stay. Fischer’s son would have brought this cocaine and then given her son a bag of more cocaine. In a police interrogation, he spoke of a total of four grams and admitted to having consumed them at home without being observed.

Lawyers contradict the representations

However, the version of Fischer’s lawyers sounds different. Since there are “obvious contradictions” in the statements made by the mother of the school friend and her son, they seriously question the credibility. “The public prosecutor’s view that the statements made by the child’s mother and the schoolmate are credible is wrong from the point of view of the defender,” it said. The family situation is also difficult.

Accordingly, the father of Fischer’s son’s school friend consumes crack and cocaine himself. Although he no longer lives in the shared apartment, the family is looked after by the youth welfare office. Since neither the father was questioned nor the contradictions questioned, the defense was of the opinion that the raid was unlawful. The failure to take into account a negative urine test from a school friend is also met with incomprehension.

Fischer wants to sue his mother

The lawyers also emphasized that Fischer’s son expressly denied having ever consumed cocaine. The found marijuana also belongs to the household help, who has since stopped working for Fischer and has moved out of the apartment. The sticky substance found had reacted positively to a rapid cocaine test, but this could not be used in court.

Finally, the lawyers stated that Fischer would take legal action against the child’s mother’s false allegations. The termination of the proceedings against Fischer, his partner and his older son has also already been applied for.

The investigations are currently ongoing. Until these are concluded, the presumption of innocence applies.
