Statement of the day | Young wolves are a welcome addition to the Big Five in Drenthe

The (fearful) suspicions of sheep farmers in and around the Drents Friese Wold have come true: the wolf pair in the nature reserve gave birth this spring. A welcome addition to the Drenthe Big Five?

In Africa they have the ‘Big Five’, in Drenthe we have the ‘Big Vief’. Drenthe has its ‘own’ unique breeds: the Drents Heideschaap, the Dutch Land Goat, the Groninger Blaarkop, the Drents Hoen and the Bonte Bentheimer. These animals are very rare and are part of Dutch living cultural heritage.

Meanwhile, the wolf pair in the Drents Friese Wold has had young. A welcome addition to the Drenthe Big Five?
