Statement of the day: We need to adapt our driving style to save on fuel costs

If you go on holiday by car this summer, you can wet your chest when refueling. High fuel prices will weigh on the budget.

Not only in the Netherlands, but also in countries around us, we have to pay considerably more for petrol and diesel. So many people will try to drive as economically as possible. The organization Milieu Centraal gave a recently published article shows that a car at 100 kilometers per hour consumes about 14 percent less fuel than at 130 kilometers per hour.

Also a caravan, roof box, driving with open windows and refueling along the highway are not conducive to your fuel consumption. The latter may well be the case everywhere, even when you are not going on holiday. Milieu Centraal also points out that restless driving, with frequent braking or overtaking, increases fuel consumption.

Do we need to adjust our driving style to save on fuel costs? Participate in the Statement of the Day and give your opinion.
