Statement of the day | The state pension age is rising too quickly

The state pension age will be raised by three months as life expectancy continues to rise. From 2028, people will receive their state pension when they are 67 years and 3 months. Comment below on the statement of the day.

Since 2012, the state pension age has risen by almost 2.5 years. Based on the life expectancy of the Dutch, CBS calculates when the average pension should start. However, there are snags, such as the lower life expectancy due to the corona pandemic.

However, CBS assumes a normal life course for the average Dutch person for the coming years: “We see no reason to assume that the trend before corona will not continue,” says CBS researcher Ruben van Gaalen. “We therefore expect the increase in life expectancy to continue.”

However, if corona has shown anything, it is that average life expectancy can fluctuate considerably. This applies not only to the population as a whole, but also to individual age groups. It is therefore possible that Statistics Netherlands was too premature in extending life expectancy. In addition, a longer life expectancy does not mean the same vitality and enjoyment of life at a later age. Comment below on the statement of the day:
