Panic among the skaters in Groningen and Drenthe. The future of the Kardinge indoor ice rink in Groningen is at stake. Overdue maintenance, but the municipality does not have the money for it and is calling on surrounding municipalities. Respond to the statement of the day: The municipality of Groningen must cover the costs of the Kardinge ice skating rink itself.
All alarm bells have gone off at the racing associations in the KNSB regions of Groningen and Drenthe. “We are very concerned,” says Enne Feenstra, chairman of IJsvereniging Groningen (YVG).
The municipality of Groningen does not want to cover the renovation costs for the skating rink and the ice rink at Kardinge alone. Neighboring municipalities and provinces would also measure docks. Because that is the reasoning, people from neighboring municipalities also use the facility. However, it is unlikely that neighboring municipalities will help solve the city’s problems.
The installations and pipes of the ice floor are outdated. The municipality can patch them up for the short term for 1 to 1.5 million euros. If the skating rink remains part of Kardinge for a longer period of time, it may have to be completely replaced and an investment of 15 to 20 million will be required.
Kardinge is indeed a regional sports facility. But it belongs to the city. Then the city would also have to have money set aside for maintenance. Or does Groningen have a point that it is a regional facility and that the region should make a contribution. Respond to the statement of the day: the Municipality of Groningen must cover the costs for the Kardinge ice rink itself.