Statement of the day | The municipality of Emmen must stop spending public money on Wildlands

Wildlands Zoo in Emmen will still be operating in the red for a while, this newspaper reported earlier this month. The municipality of Emmen has been keeping the park going for years with public money, but couldn’t that be better spent?

“Sooner or later the discussion will have to be held whether bearing full financial responsibility for a tourist attraction should remain a municipal task,” reporter Joep van Ruiten wrote in the editorial at the beginning of this week.

‘Talking about an exit strategy has to start at some point. This is not only in view of the growing number of tasks for the municipality and the so-called ravine year of 2026, in which the flow of money from The Hague will change dramatically,” says Van Ruiten.

What do you think, is Wildlands worth the tax money? Or should that not be the task of the municipality? Let us know and participate in the Statement of the Day.
