Statement of the day | The KNVB must suspend perpetrators of the Meedhuizen-Muntendam brawl for life

The amateur football match Meedhuizen-Muntendam ended in a brawl on Saturday. Images show that a karate kick is being handed out and people are said to have been kicked in the head. Should the perpetrators be suspended for life?

Although both teams have different versions, it is certain that several footballers have misbehaved. Two Muntendam players are going to file a report.

Muntendam player-trainer Maik Winter said he was kicked while lying on the ground. ,,I was lucky that I put an arm over my head, so that they kicked it and not my head.” Winter has already contacted the police.

What do you think? Should the perpetrators be suspended for life by the KNVB? Or do you think another measure is more appropriate? Let us know.
