Statement of the day | The CDA is right: achieving the nitrogen targets in 2030 is not sacred

Party leader Wopke Hoekstra of the CDA no longer calls achieving the nitrogen target in 2030 sacred.

According to the cabinet, nitrogen emissions must be reduced by 50 percent everywhere by 2030. Hoekstra is sticking to that percentage, but as far as he is concerned, we can take longer.

“Of course you can already achieve the nitrogen targets in many places before 2030, but if it takes longer elsewhere, we have to take that time,” the CDA leader says in Algemeen Dagblad. He wants to give farmers “the chance to earn a fair living.”

Hoekstra says he will not succumb to the farmers’ pressure, but wants to make them allies again. He wants to replace the current standard for maximum nitrogen precipitation (the so-called critical deposition value) with an ecological authority that examines what nature can handle per area.

What do you think? Is Hoekstra right? Respond to the statement ‘Achieving the nitrogen targets in 2030 is not sacred.’
