Statement of the day | The abolition of the jubelton makes the housing market fairer

According to the government, the jubelton causes higher prices and unfair competition. Reason to abolish this gift exemption for owner-occupied home at the end of this year.

The jubelton is a gift exemption introduced in 2013 that offers parents the opportunity to make a tax-free gift to their children for the purchase of a home. Where normally 10 to 40 percent tax has to be paid on a donation above a certain amount, from that moment on, a ton could be donated tax-free for the purchase or renovation of a house or repayment of the mortgage or ground lease.

Incidentally, the gift exemption does not end there. She is severely curtailed. The maximum amount that can be donated tax-free will be reduced from 106,671 euros to 27,231 euros

Higher prices and unfair competition

The main reason for the government to abolish the jubelton is that the scheme leads to higher prices and unfair competition: buyers without wealthy parents have less chance of a home. Notary Ellen van Pelt from Assen also notes this: ,,The jubelton shows an enormous inequality in the starter group: by no means everyone has a rich family who helps. It also drives up the price.”

Insiders doubt whether the abolition will have the intended effect. According to Sjirk de Jong, broker of Brandsma and De Jong from Delfzijl, buyers also use the jubelton when purchasing more expensive houses. “They are now falling back into a lower segment. As a result, competition for starter homes is growing.”

Marieke Poort, civil-law notary in Middelstum: ,,People who want to donate, do so anyway. With taxes or other means.”

What do you think? Will abolishing the jubelton make the housing market fairer? Or is the abolition nothing more than the umpteenth attempt to pull the housing market out of the doldrums. Respond to our statement of the day.
