Statement of the day | Smoking should be banned wherever there are children

Smoking should be banned in places where children come, says MP Daniëlle Jansen (NSC) from Groningen.

Anyone who lights a cigarette in the car while a child is present should be fined. And not only there, the same applies to places such as playgrounds, amusement parks and terraces where minors are present.

A motion with this content was submitted in the House of Representatives on Thursday by Daniëlle Jansen (New Social Contract), sociologist and former associate professor from Groningen.

“In the Netherlands there are about a million parents who smoke. A quarter of them sometimes do this in the presence of the children. Then you are talking about hundreds of thousands of children who are exposed to it. That is really dangerous.”

Do you agree with Jansen? Should there be stricter rules regarding smoking and the presence of children? Or do you think that this invasion of privacy goes too far and that parents should be allowed to decide that themselves? Respond to our Statement of the day and give your opinion.
