Statement of the day | Political parties must have their election manifestos calculated

Political parties try to entice voters with attractive promises in their election manifestos. But are all these plans feasible? To test this, the Central Planning Bureau calculates the programs, but many parties do not participate in this.

Denk, BBB, SP, Party for the Animals, PVV and BVNL, among others, are eligible for the calculation. Pieter Omtzigt’s NSC is unlucky, because because that party is a newcomer, that program is not calculated.

This makes it difficult for voters to determine how feasible the plans are. Because how do you know if there is enough money for it? And: if extra money is spent on something, savings must be made elsewhere. What do the factions choose?

The parties drop out for various reasons. Denk states that the party has insufficient manpower to provide all the necessary documents, the SP disagrees with the calculation methods.

What do you think, should political parties be required to have their programs calculated? Let us know and participate in the Statement of the Day.

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