Statement of the day | Only a diploma with a passing grade in Dutch

Pupils who get a 4.5 for Dutch in secondary school still pass their final exams if they pass English and maths. That should no longer be possible, says the Education Inspectorate.

Inspector General Alida Oppers of the Education Inspectorate believes that students should no longer receive a diploma if they fail the Dutch language.

In the past school year, approximately 20 percent of HAVO and VWO students who passed the Dutch national exam failed. At pre-vocational secondary education, that percentage was between 7 and 14 percent, depending on the specialisation. Oppers: “So you give a diploma, knowing that this student is not sufficiently equipped with the Dutch language skills to save himself in life.”

What do you think? Should a pass for Dutch become a condition for the secondary school diploma? Give your opinion below!
