Statement of the day | Mobility scooter users are required to take a course

Last year, 39 people in the Netherlands died as a result of a scooter accident. To reduce that, users should take a course.

Marjolein van Eek of the Foundation for the Promotion of Traffic Education argues for this. “If we do not want a driver’s license, and we do not ask that of electric cyclists who are involved in many accidents, we must ensure that everyone at least knows what to do with education.”

Negative advice

It may mean that people who participate in such a course receive a negative advice. Van Eek: ,,That is very sad, but if it is not safe, we are very honest. Then we advise to return the scooter mobile.

There are already courses to improve driving skills on the scooter, but they are not mandatory. Should that be different? Vote now for the statement of the day.
