Statement of the day: Masks must remain compulsory in hospitals

Do the masks have to stay in the hospital? Photo: Shutterstock

The hospitals in Groningen and Drenthe are suddenly rushing to abolish the mask in public areas. Too much haste?

The hospitals in Groningen and Drenthe are suddenly rushing to abolish the mask in public areas. In the hospital locations of Treant (Emmen, Hoogeveen and Stadskanaal), the mask no longer has to be worn since Monday. Keeping your distance is also a thing of the past.

Treant is thus leading the way in the North, although the other hospitals are quickly following. The Martini Hospital will also return to normal this week.

In the meantime, a number of people have still been infected, although the figures are no longer representative because there is hardly any testing at the GGD. There is a revival of corona going on in China. In short, is it too early to abolish mouth caps in hospitals?
