Statement of the day | Farmers are working against themselves with large-scale protests

Farmers’ protests throughout Europe: they just keep coming. They feel cornered by environmental regulations and buyout schemes.

But do these protests work, or are the farmers shooting themselves in the foot in the long term? Esther de Snoo, editor-in-chief of the agricultural trade magazine New harvest, thinks that some people are standing in the way of progress that is desperately needed.

“First of all: it is understandable that farmers are frustrated,” says De Snoo. “It’s about their security of existence. The fact that this theme has been put on the agenda is the great merit of the farmers’ protests. But if you zoom out you also see: the balance between agriculture and environmental boundaries must be restored.”

What do you think? Are the farmers working against themselves by digging in their heels? Or are the government and the EU asking too much of the sector in terms of changes and regulations? Let us know your opinion by responding to the statement of the day:
