Statement of the day | All houses in the Groningen earthquake zone must become natural gas-free, even if it costs billions

All homeowners and tenants in the Groningen earthquake area must be able to cook or heat their homes without natural gas. The state would have to pull out the wallet to make all homes natural gas-free more quickly.

That seems to be the plan that The Hague now stands for. According to PvdA member of parliament Henk Nijboer, Groningen has been suffering damage from earthquakes (caused by gas extraction) for years. Now that energy prices are so high, according to the PvdA it is only appropriate to provide Groningen residents with natural gas-free homes. The CDA fully agrees with this and the rest of the House of Representatives does not seem to be unwilling to do so.

High costs should not stop the national government – in the context of a debt of honor to Groningen due to gas extraction – according to the factions. Those costs can run into the billions.

What do you think? Is that worth the money or is it better to come up with another solution to compensate residents of the earthquake zone? Comment below on the statement of the day.
