Statement of the day | A closed shop door against the cold doesn’t bother me

Retailers turn the thermostat down en masse when it gets colder to be able to pay the high energy bill, while closing the shop door is now common practice. Does it bother you when the door of a store is closed?

Last summer, entrepreneurs in Groningen already kept their doors closed because of the heat and put up a sign that they are open. The initiative was picked up nationally.

Now the cold is the reason to keep the door closed, says Jeroen van Dijken of INretail. “Shopkeepers don’t like that, but they have to. In many stores, the temperature drops by a degree, but then you have to keep your staff warm.” Entrepreneurs therefore stock up on thermal clothing en masse, lower the thermostat and skip the cup of coffee for the customer.

Closing the shop door and lowering the thermostat are two recommendations to retailers made by real estate advisor Colliers. Switching off appliances and lighting, properly adjusting installations, investing in energy-efficient installations, LED lighting and solar panels are also concrete recommendations.

Does it bother you when the door of a store is closed? Reply to today’s statement here.
