State Secretary in Ter Apel: ‘No one needs to sleep outside anymore’

As of tonight, no one has to sleep outside at the Ter Apel registration center anymore. Anyone who wishes can be accommodated in Ter Apel or at another reception location, State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum) told the ANP.

According to him, more than a hundred people who are still in the forecourt on Friday evening are now being transferred to different locations.

Van der Burg paid another visit to Ter Apel tonight. He spoke with some asylum seekers who were still in the forecourt. He also consulted with a number of mayors, the police and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA).

Last rainy night, about 300 people still spent the night outside the gates of the application center. The nights before, dozens of people were involved, while many shelters were added in the past week.
