News item | 10-11-2023 | 2:15 PM
The age at which people receive AOW will remain unchanged in 2029 at 67 years and three months. This is what Minister Schouten of poverty policy, participation and pensions wrote to the House of Representatives.
Every year it is determined at what age people will receive AOW in five years. Whether or not the state pension age will increase automatically follows from the life expectancy that the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) determines for 2029. For the years 2024 to 2027, the state pension age has been set at 67 years and in 2028 these 67 years and three months.
Statistics Netherlands also adjusted its forecast for 2028 this year. Based on this new forecast, the state pension age for 2028 would not have been increased to 67 years and three months, but would remain at 67 years. However, the law stipulates that the state pension age must be determined five years in advance, so that people know where they stand. Once the state pension age has been determined, it cannot be changed. Statistics Netherlands assumes that age expectations will continue to rise in the coming years, but less rapidly than initially assumed.