State of the Nation debate

Act at 18:34


“This is a government sustained by the lie of historical memory and the whitewashing of ETA,” defends Abascal

Santiago Abascal trained this Tuesday as a speaker in a debate on the state of the nation, announcing his outright rejection of all the measures shredded by the president of the government. The extreme right has wanted to set its own profile and raise the tone -and the distance- with the PP, citing for the first time in history article 197.3 of the Congress regulations in order to challenge Pedro Sánchez’s plan full. “Neither debate, nor State, nor nation. We are facing a session with a government and its legislature partners unable to agree on what the State and the nation are. They do not accept the confrontation of ideas,” the Vox leader has started .

From the lectern, Abascal has reproduced a string of arguments against the Executive, accusing the PSOE and Podemos of being “the emulators of the criminal Popular Front” with the support of the independentistas: “Those who dedicate their entire political life to destroying Spain are not able to defend the interests of Spain,” he inquired. “This is a government sustained by the lie of historical memory and whitewashing of ETA”, he concluded.

Abascal, who has assured that the Sánchez Government “is going to leave a Spain ruined, confronted, institutionally deteriorated and internationally weakened”, has opted to repeal the laws to deal with the climate emergency and to end the taxes that support the State of the wellness. “Is the plan to make all Spaniards equally poor?” He has wondered. “has brought ruin […] It is necessary to cut the money badly spent in employers, unions and parties”, he has riveted, – although Vox maintains its subsidies -, amending the package of measures announced by Sánchez, among which the free subscriptions for transport from 1 of September and taxes on electricity companies and banks.”We commit to repeal everything as soon as we have the opportunity: from the climate suicide law, to the law promoting brutal abortion, euthanasia, historical memory, and the transversal gender laws “, he assured.

“Do you really believe that desecrating tombs is the task of a government?” He has come to say about the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco: “Do you think it is fairly serious to destroy the tallest cross in the world, the one in the Valley of the Fallen? […] We will rebuild everything that they destroy and we will raise everything that they knock down, from the economy to the crosses,” he asserted. On the other hand, he has once again opted for the return of people in an irregular situation.

“The most reasonable thing is for him to resign because Spain needs him to leave as soon as possible. […] Adversity is you, Mr. Sánchez”, Abascal settled.

The President of the Government has replied delving into why Vox’s allegations are far from the positions of a “working class” party, betting on the 2030 Agenda as a response to climate change and reaffirming himself in the dialectical battle against hate speech: “There is a majority in Spain that embraces social diversity […] What museum do you come out of?”, he replied.
