State authorization must work on contacts in the future

In France, the Service national du renseignement pénitentiaire is 2017 toe op het leven in de gevangenissen. En dan vooral op Zware misdaad en radicalisme binnen de vangenismuren. The statement of the service was about the terrorist attacks in France in 2015 and 2016, because ex-convicts who died were drunk.

A new report from the Committee I, that the eighth day of the week is scheduled in the chamber, empties that the toezichthouder het nodig eight om in België een gelijkaardige inlichtingendienst op te direct naast de Staatsveiligheid, the militaire ADIV and het antiterreurorgaan OCAD. De uitwisseling van information about geradicaliseerde (ex-)vangenen for the vanishing inventory services works according to the Committee I. Not perfect weliswaar, maar wel naar behoren.

animosity side

If the request is made by the Committee I, it is necessary to invest in hair contacts with the Welzijnswerkers who act within the limits of the civil rights.

In Vlaanderen, there is then in the first place from the experts of the Vlaams department of Welzijn, the radicalized prisoners are subject to penalties. In the report of the Committee I said that, for the first time in the State, that “a concern is given” must be provided in the light and the processing of data must be processed. The state privilege “is only given when the feedback is given from the contacts that are made”.

Het Comité I raised de Staatsveiligheid aan om “a plan of action op te places for a verbetering van de relations met de social-preventieve actoren in de vangenis”. This must be taken care of that the tampering of information flows is lost and that the national government has a better panorama view of the life in the future. Omgekeerd the Committee I Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld) aan regulated information sessions te later organizers in certain circumstances, om any conscious te make van het van samenwerking met de Staatsveiligheid.


Het Committee I holds the responsibility for a certain amount of money that may have been lost with a jihadist verleden hervalt na a penalty (less than 5 percent). Tegelijk warschwt de toezichthouder that “éen geval al Zware gevolgen kan hebben”. He was told here on the sea by Benjamin Herman, that the radicalization of the situation had ended in my 2018 two political decisions in Luik. Op een totale vangenispopulatie van zowat 10.700 Belgian vangengen telden de villigheidsdiensten in February van dit jaar 136 vangengen met a radicale achtergrond of een led as a leader of a terrorist organization.

“He is dus wel degelijk een open lijn, met the following kanttekening: the welzijnswerkers have a different finality in the vilighheidsdiensten, zijnde hulpverlening aan de detineerden”, states the Staatsveiligheid in a written reaction. “The security of the state does not contain all the terms that apply to the security of the workers.

Minister Van Quickenborne vult aan dat “he is that year in a number of penitentiaire LIVC’s zijn voorzien. That for Local Integrale Veiligheidscellen was informatie wordt usedgewisseld by all services. Also met de welzijnswerkers dus. We will do that in the future.”
