Start participation Lelylijn | News item

News item | 06-02-2023 | 2:00 PM

As of today, anyone who wants to can contribute ideas about the plans for the Lely line. Via the website Lely line consultation an online consultation can be completed. This is the first part in a broader participation process around the new rail connection between the North and the Randstad. The results of this will be used by administrators when making choices about the Lely line. The kick-off of the participation process for the Lelylijn was given this afternoon at ROC Friese Poort in Emmeloord, where State Secretary Vivianne Heijnen filled in the consultation together with students.

State Secretary Vivianne Heijnen (Infrastructure and Water Management): “I think it is important that everyone has a say in the plans for the Lely line. The new railway line is a multi-billion dollar investment that has been talked about for a long time. I am curious about what residents expect from the Lelylijn, what opportunities they see, but also what concerns they have. I am convinced that our plans will improve if we include the input of residents.”

Jan de Reus, Flevoland deputy: “In Flevoland we don’t stack stones, but we build societies and that includes facilities such as good accessibility in all directions, including the Lely line. Our residents and entrepreneurs play an important role in this and we would like to hear their ideas and opinions about the Lelylijn.”

Avine Fokkens-Kelder, deputy of Fryslân: “It’s great that the next step is being taken towards the construction of the Lely line. We think it is important to know how people think about this and what we can and must take into account. So here’s the call: participate and give your opinion!”

Roger de Groot, mayor of Noordoostpolder: “It is very important to us that the Lelylijn will visit Noordoostpolder. For our accessibility, our entrepreneurs and as an attractive residential municipality. Such a large project cannot be carried out without the involvement of our residents. They think along, come up with ideas and sometimes express critical views. Ultimately, this leads to a better development that is supported by the residents.”


The online consultation asks residents questions about the preferences and values ​​for the Lely Line. The choice situation of the government is simulated as closely as possible with a so-called Participatory Value Evaluation (PWE). Residents are involved in various dilemmas: At how many stations should the train stop? How many trains per hour should run on the Lely line? What should be the journey time of the fastest train between Groningen/Leeuwarden and Amsterdam? This provides a clear picture of preferences, shared values ​​and concerns. The survey is open from Monday, February 6 to Friday, March 31. The first results are expected to be made public before the summer.

Wider trajectory

The online consultation is an initiative of the central government and the provinces of Groningen, Fryslân, Drenthe, Flevoland, the municipalities of Leeuwarden, Groningen, Assen and Emmen (these are the Northern governments that represent the region in the investigation into the Lely line). They have agreed that residents will be involved in making those plans right from the start. This is special because it is the first time that residents are involved in the research phase of a major infrastructure project in this way.

The participation process does not stop with the online consultation. Residents will be involved throughout the entire duration of the research into the Lely line. How this will be followed up will be discussed with all parties involved.


The government has included in the coalition agreement that 3 billion euros has been reserved for the construction of the Lely line with co-financing from the region and European funds. Exactly how the Lely line should run has not yet been decided. The plans for the Lely line still need to be worked out in more detail and a final decision on the construction of the Lely line has yet to be taken. The aim is to have determined a preferred variant together with the region by the autumn of 2024, for which the corresponding funding has been found.
