Start of the Sacrifice Feast in Brabanthallen: ‘The mosque would be too small’

Early on Wednesday morning, thousands of Muslims gathered at De Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. Here was the start of the Feast of Sacrifice with a prayer and sermon. It is in a different location from the Arrahnma mosque as it is a custom to have this prayer outside the mosque. “The mosque would also be too small for all these people.”

Around seven o’clock in the morning it is already quite full in the Brabanthallen. Achmed Erassan, board member of the Arrahnma mosque, is busy to give everyone a place. “It is filling up nicely. We expect at least 2,000 people, but I think there are more.”

“Because so many people come here, we moved to De Brabanthallen. Actually, it is customary to keep this prayer outside, but due to the weather we had to go inside. We are happy to be here. We can do it big here and that’s great,” says Erassan.

“We have received many refugees in our community.”

Erassan has an explanation for the enormous growth of the community of the Arrahnma mosque. “Of course we have had a large flow of refugees. Many of those refugees are affiliated with our mosque. Then you are a great community.”

One of the many visitors is Gazi van Drunen. He comes to prayer along with his father Osama. “It is a special day. It is healing to our hearts. It’s a big prayer. Then we will do something fun with family. It is important to do fun things together and to congratulate each other.”

It is also a great holiday for Emen and his brothers. “I think it’s pretty nice and big here. We’re going to visit family soon and I’m really looking forward to that. There we go to chat and eat. Playing with my cousins.”

The Feast of Sacrifice commemorates the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who actually had to sacrifice his son to God. Fortunately, he was allowed to kill a ram at the last minute. “Most people are going to pick up their sheep shortly, but at the butcher. It’s not like before. Now it is much more massive,” says Erassan. “It’s a big party!”
