Start of scheme for reducing light pollution at existing onshore wind turbines | News item

News item | 07-11-2023 | 3:40 PM

From Wednesday, November 1, 2023, provinces can make use of a one-off payment for installing so-called proximity detection systems at existing onshore wind turbines. A proximity detection system ensures less nuisance from the light of a wind turbine, because the red lighting on a wind turbine only comes on when an aircraft is in the vicinity of the turbine.

Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy, together with the Dutch Wind Energy Association (NWEA) and provinces, wants to reduce the light pollution experienced by wind turbines. With the new scheme, a province can receive money to subsidize the installation of a proximity detection system by the operator of a wind turbine. The payment from the government amounts to a maximum of 20% of the costs incurred per wind turbine, with a maximum contribution of €5,000 per turbine. The other costs are covered by the wind sector and the province.

The scheme applies to all existing onshore wind turbines that have received SDE subsidies in 2022 or earlier. New wind farms can finance the additional costs from the SDE++ from 2023. In this way, future wind turbines can be immediately equipped with proximity detection without this having a negative impact on the business case.
