Start of crucial works in Kortrijk and Waregem: A19/R8 connection tackled after more than 20 years and braid construction must solve the E17 Waregem traffic jam problem

Start of crucial works in Kortrijk and Waregem: A19/R8 connection tackled after more than 20 years and braid construction must solve the E17 Waregem traffic jam problem

‘The Vlecht’ Waregem

Tomorrow the first sod will be given for the braid construction in Waregem that should solve the traffic jams of the entrance and exit complex of the E17 in Waregem. Immediately a first for our country. These works will last five months.

The traffic complex E17-N382 has to deal with traffic congestion, especially during rush hour, which sometimes causes traffic jams up to the E17, resulting in dangerous situations. The Roads and Traffic Agency will therefore apply the DDI technique, the so-called Diverging Diamond Interchange, whereby traffic on the Express Road is diverted to the other side of the road before the bridge with traffic lights. After the bridge, the two driving directions intersect again, so that everyone drives on their side of the road again. This technology ensures that car traffic that wants to drive onto the highway only encounters one traffic light instead of two. For example, traffic on the Expressweg is much smoother and the traffic jams on the highway have also been resolved.

The works for this file had to be closely coordinated with all other works in the area, in particular with the works on the N36 Kortrijkse Heerweg and the planned works on Belgium, both in Deerlijk. In collaboration with the accessibility advisor appointed by AWV, a lot of effort was put into consultation and cooperation with all neighboring cities and municipalities.

The contractor will start the actual work on Tuesday 19 April.

(read more below the photo)

Trumpet connection A19-R8 KORTRIJK

Tomorrow the works will also start for the new trumpet connection of the A19 to the R8 in Kortrijk, the works will take two years. The case has been dragging on for more than twenty years.

The foundation stone for the connection of the R8 South was laid in the early 1980s. In 1992 the connection of the R8 North to the A19 followed and the two traffic lights were installed. The increasingly busy traffic caused traffic congestion and unsafe situations. With the redesign of this traffic complex, the Flemish government wants to focus on increased road safety, smoother traffic flow and greater traffic quality.

The contractor will start the following preparatory work from Tuesday 19 April.

Watch the video report above
