Start of compensation for tenants of regulated private rental in an earthquake zone | news item

News item | 31-03-2022 | 16:30

Tenants in the earthquake zone who rented a rental property in the social system from a private owner on 1 July 2021 may be eligible for a one-off compensation of 750 euros. These tenants can leave from April 1th check whether they can make use of this new scheme.

The main conditions of the scheme are that:

  • the basic monthly rent when entering into the lease was below the social rent limit. That limit was, for example, 752.33 euros in 2021 and 652.52 euros in 2011, for example.
  • it is an independent house with its own front door that was rented in July 2021.
  • the rental property is located in one of the zip codes where the value reduction scheme of Intitut Mijnbouwschade Groningen applies or in the zip codes 9679, 9681 or 9682.

At the request of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, this policy rule is implemented by the Northern Netherlands Association (SNN). Applications can be made from April 1 to December 31, 2022 via† The one-time fee applies per home.

Tenants who rented a house from housing associations in the earthquake area on 1 July 2021 have already received a one-off compensation of 750 euros. Because in many cases there was uncertainty about whether their rental home would still be part of the improvement task, maintenance on their home may have been postponed. The Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has promised the House of Representatives in September 2021 to investigate whether tenants who rent social housing from private landlords can also receive a one-off allowance for this. The scheme that starts on 1 April is the elaboration of this.
