Start Internet consultation bill enforcement social security | News item

News item | 14-02-2023 | 4:32 pm

As of today, the internet consultation for the social security enforcement bill will start. The purpose of this law is to be able to impose an appropriate sanction in the enforcement of benefits and other social schemes, instead of a system that is based on the imposition of a fine.

In addition, more scope is offered to match the personal circumstances of citizens. This will create more options to warn or not to impose a sanction, and at the same time there will be sufficient options to tackle actual abuse. The law also ensures that different benefit agencies will from now on use the same framework, so that people know better where they stand.

The bill gives UWV, SVB and municipalities more powers to impose an appropriate sanction. Fixed fines are also proposed, which can be increased or decreased according to circumstances. Furthermore, the measures that can be taken if someone does not cooperate with applicable obligations will be adjusted and more focused on getting a person to cooperate. For example, a warning can be issued before a measure is imposed and a measure can possibly be reversed if the person adjusts his or her behaviour.

In addition, the bill changes the consequences of serious misconduct towards a civil servant. In principle, this is dealt with under criminal law, but can be punished with a sanction if this is not desirable for whatever reason. Finally, from now on benefits can only be reviewed up to a maximum of five years ago. As a result, those involved only have to keep their administration up to five years back. This period is in line with the tax system and thus reduces the administrative burden.

Responding to the bill is possible until March 6, 2023.

Anyone who wants to can respond and give their opinion on the regulations at
