“Stars in Concert”: 25 years of doubles in the Estrel

By Sabine Klier

Amy Winehouse, Madonna, Elvis, Louis Armstrong, Tina Turner or the Blues Brothers: the superstars are regular guests on the stage at the Estrel.

“Stars in Concert” has been a hit for 25 years. “When the show started, I thought it would work for a maximum of six years,” reveals Bernhard Kurz (71), producer, director and artistic director.

Since then, Berlin’s most successful show and its Elvis, Abba, Beatles or Tina Turner offshoots have delighted over 5.8 million viewers in more than 8,500 performances. “The secret is that we deliver honest performance. The success is the proximity to the audience,” says Kurz.

Bernhard Kurz (71), producer, director and artistic director.

Bernhard Kurz (71), producer, director and artistic director Photo: Olaf Selchow

Before each performance there is always a live rehearsal with the entire crew. Because the composition of the doppelgangers is regularly reshuffled. And not only do they look like the originals, they sing like the originals too (sometimes even better!). Kurz has 40 artists under contract.

Melissa Totten (54) is Madonna:

Melissa Totten (54) is Madonna: “I’ve been performing here for 25 years. I never thought that I would do this after my 30th, later after my 40th birthday. The best thing about Madonna is that she keeps reinventing herself. She is a game changer. I’ll admit I’m her sentimental fan. I try to get as close to the original as possible. It’s a challenge for me. I tailor the costumes myself. That’s 90 minutes of fame. After that, I’m a normal person.” Photo: Olaf Selchow

He always found the best doubles in Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world. And some stayed: Grahame Patrick was just 19 years old when he took the stage as Elvis. He is now married to dancer Lucy.

Paul Hetherington (55), bass player: “I've been there since the beginning.  During this time I played through six instruments.  I'm always in the mood for something new.  It's nice that everything varies here.  In a musical I would play the same thing every night.  There are changing singers and songs here.  I enjoy the Abba show the most.  And I get around.  Last week I was in Kuwait”

Paul Hetherington (55), bass player: “I’ve been there since the beginning. During this time I played through six instruments. I’m always in the mood for something new. It’s nice that everything varies here. In a musical I would play the same thing every night. There are changing singers and songs here. I enjoy the Abba show the most. And I get around. Last week I was in Kuwait” Photo: Olaf Selchow

Coco Fletcher aka Tina Turner is in a relationship with the drummer. “There have been a lot of couples here over the years,” says Kurz. He himself found his love for Ute Jacobs (60), the executive hotel director.

Gwennaëlle Ludwig (40), show dancer:

Gwennaëlle Ludwig (40), show dancer: “It’s great fun to dance to live music on stage. And it changes all the time. The choreographies are tested again and again. During the show we are constantly in action. The quick hairstyle and costume change is part of it. Once I lost a skirt on stage when my heel got tangled in the hem. The show must go on. This time I can even show my tapping skills” Photo: Olaf Selchow

In the 25 years, a show only had to be canceled once – due to a technical defect. In short: “Once moderator Uwe Hübner got stuck in the snow, I recruited a waiter at short notice.”

Riccardo van Krugten (62), head of the sound department:

Riccardo van Krugten (62), head of the sound department: “I’ve been making the stars sound good for 20 years. It never gets boring here because the shows change regularly. The long room with its stone walls is difficult to fill with sound. Every musician is individual, but should sound authentic like the original. I can control that a bit with the tone controls. I don’t have darlings or the divas will get jealous” Photo: Olaf Selchow

There is a fan club and secret fans – like Cynthia Lennon, Beatle John Lennon’s first wife. She came regularly.

Sybille Jähn (56):

Sybille Jähn (56): “I started out as a mini-jobber in ticket sales. I had an annual contract. I’ve been with the company for 25 years now and I’m in charge of the operations office. My favorite double is Melissa Totten as Madonna. And Abba always puts me in a good mood” Photo: Olaf Selchow

Bernhard Kurz holds the team together. Before his career as a show impresario, he was a handball, soccer and national coach for bobsledders. He only sings in the shower, “that can also be German hits”.

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