Stargirl, the 2nd season of the superheroine going to high school

Lhe struggle between good and evil is endless. But if in normal life, to distinguish what is good from what is bad, treatises on philosophy, religion and morals are not enough, things become much simpler by giving space to the imagination. Thus, to have clear ideas about what is good and what is bad, we can peacefully abandon ourselves to the TV series Stargirl. The second season, unreleased in Italy, debuted on Saturday 11 July on Rai 4 at 21.20.

Stargirl 2: the series for the whole family

Compelling, fun and educational (but without the burden of wanting to moralize someone) for both teenagers and adults. This is how the series has been defined by critics Stargirl who, in addition to talking about superheroes, for his positive messages, is able to happily bring parents and children together on the sofa. Another great merit of this series is to give a charge of hope (which is a great thing these days), why in the struggle between good and evil, in the end it is understood that good can win. Even if to get to this victory, the effort is endless.

The superheroine with the high school books

Stargirl 2entitled Summer School, reports the events of Courtney Whitmore (played by Brec Bassinger), high school student who by chance discovers she is Starman’s daughtergood superhero, and for this he decides to use his father’s weapon, the cosmic bar (also found by chance in a basement) for become the progenitor of a new generation of superheroes.

The story takes place halfway between the world ideal ofArrowverse and Earth-2which facilitates the transition from star battles superheroes, to the “terrestrial” dynamics of normal home-school-family life. So the young woman Courtney Whitmore-Stargirl is found to fight with the Justice Society of America v. The Injustice Society. The clashes, needless to say, are overwhelming.

Stargirl 1: where were we

The first season of Stargirl it was also broadcast in Italy on Rai 4 in the summer, dfrom 19 July to 16 August 2021 (13 episodes divided into 5 episodes, this second season also includes 13 episodes, today there are two on the air). In the end the evil forces, who wanted to brainwash the entire population of the United States, have been defeated. However, a menacing blue diamond appeared within which a new dark threat was trapped. The evil was about to return.

Stargirl 2: what we will see

In Stargirl 2 therefore resumes the umpteenth struggle between good and evil. To captain the good is once again the superheroine Courtney Whitmore-Stargirlflanked by the faithful (also defined by many as unlikely) team of teen superheroes.

To represent evil, however, new frightening figures emerge. First of all Eclipso (Nick Tarabayformerly Ashur in the tv series Spartacus), wrinkled and dark antagonist. “A terrifying villain” has been defined by Geoff Johns, creator and executive producer of the series.

The other new dark power is the Shadow, in the series Richard Swift played by Jonathan Cake. “Un ancient being that feeds on the sins and pain and fear of humanity, “explained Geoff Johns,” it will take a long time to deal with it and will bring the Justice Society of America and each of our wonderful characters to a place that will be difficult to explore for them “.

And there is already the third season

Stargirl is the American series of the DC Universe, which debuted in the USA on The CW in May 2020 (the curiosity is that first it went in streaming then on the tv channelwhile the opposite is usually the case). The second season (this one we see starting tonight) was broadcast overseas starting from August last year. Such was the success that a third season has also been prepared, Frenemies, which will be broadcast in America starting August 31st, again on The CW channel.

Brec Bassinger is the “Stargirl” Courtney Whitmore. (IPA)

Stargirl is inspired by a real “heroine”

The creator and executive producer Geoff Johns is the highly respected cartoonist, who was formed as the director’s “right hand” Richard Donner, who has signed masterpieces such as Superman of ’78 with Marlon Brando, Gene Hickman and Christopher Reeve.

Stargirl, in particular, it is inspired by the character of DC Comics created by Johns in ’99. A character which the author cares very much as he is inspired by his sister who was the victim of a plane crash in ’96. “My sister was one of the victims of TWA Flight 800, ”said Johns,“ she was on her way to France on a student exchange program. He was 18 years old. He was smart, funny and always enthusiastic ».

The sister was named Courtney, just like Courtney (Whitmore) of Stargirl. A superheroine now immortal.

The other protagonists

Among the other characters in the series we point out Pat Dugan stepfather of Courtney Whitmore, interpreted by Luke Wilson, Barbara Whitmore, superheroine mom, with the face of Amy Smart. Then there are the superheroes Jakeem Thunder (Alkoya Brunson) And Jennifer-Lynn Hayden (Ysa Penarejo).

