Star Wars: a preview of what Andor, the new Disney + series, will bring

diego moon had played the intrepid rebel spy Cassian Andor in “rogue one” of 2016. And I was sure that that had been it with the universe starwars (spoiler alert: his character ends up dead). But a year ago she received a call from Tony Gilroyscreenwriter of that film, who told him that he was reviewing his notes to develop a new project.

Gilroy, who wrote the first four Jason Bourne thrillers and directed the acclaimed “Michael Clayton,” was writing a series for Disney+ that would explore the history of Cassian Andor, revealing what attracted him to the galactic rebellionand how he evolved from a selfish patron to a selfless martyr.

“In ‘Rogue One,’ Mon Mothma and Cassian know each other, and it is evident that she has great respect for him. But here they live in separate worlds. Cassian finds himself in this process. And the same goes for my Mon Mothma, who is not a rebel and works for the empire in the senate,” he says. Genevieve O’Reillywho plays the future leader of the rebels in the new Disney+ series.

george lucas had already flirted with the idea of ​​a series of starwars it was about the rogue process before Lucasfilm was sold to the Walt Disney Company in 2012. It was called “underworld”, and scripts were written and test pictures were shot, but the level of quality the director was looking for turned out to be too expensive for a television budget.

But with “The Mandalorian” turned into a global phenomenon, the budget appeared to give life to one of the most ambitious Disney + series to date. “Tony (Gilroy) did ‘Michael Clayton,’ and ‘Andor’ has that intrigue and political espionage. It is a thriller with many lines and a great cast. It’s delicate, and perhaps that’s why it’s longer than other Star Wars series,” O’Reilly defines “Andor,” which will hit Disney+ in the spring.

diego moon describes “Andor like a refugee story, with desperate people fleeing the Empire. “It’s the journey of a migrant,” marks the Mexican who links to the plot even though it happens in a faraway galaxy. “That feeling of having to move is behind the story, very deep and very strong. That shapes you as a person. It defines you in so many ways, and what you’re willing to do.”

Diego Luna as Andor

Gilroy adds: “This guy gave his life for the galaxy. Consciously, soberly, without vanity or recognition, she sacrificed herself. Who does that? That is what this first season is about”, reviews the director of the 12-episode series that already secured a second part before premiering. “His adopted home is going to become the basis for our entire first season, and we see that place radicalized,” adds Gilroy. “The Empire is expanding rapidly. They’re killing anyone who gets in their way.” And within that empire the revolution is born.

There the plot is based on the enigmatic rebel leader Mon Mothmaplayed by O’Reilly (she had appeared as a young senator in “Revenge of the Sith”, and later reprized the role in “rogue one”).

The Mothma played by Caroline Blakiston in “return of the jedi” in 1983, is the one who gives dramatic weight to the offensive against the Death Star, the Empire’s ship with the ability to destroy planets, in a single sentence: “Many Bothans died to bring us this information.”

I always had respect for that scene. He shows that he is a noble character, with an inner pain. You see the sacrifice in that woman”, marks O’Reilly in dialogue with NOTICIAS. “Andor” will tell her story as a traitor to the Empire to be leader of The Resistance. “It’s a huge, orchestral, Dickensian cast,” enthuses Gilroy.

by RN

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