Star B&B full of love-darling continues to rise: Olof makes acting debut in feature film | show

Sanne Langelaar and Mingus Dagelet play the leading roles in the new Dutch romantic comedy Bed & Breakfast. The shooting started this week. RTL Boulevard went to the set and found two people there who are familiar with a bed and breakfast. Olof and Anne are two main protagonists in the current season of B&B full of love. In the film they play two guests who come for breakfast.

There are other roles for Oscar Aerts, Liz Snoijink, Margôt Ros and Jelka van Houten. Bed & Breakfast is about workaholic Sarah who doesn’t know what to do with her life. She allows herself to be persuaded to look after her aunt’s B&B, but does so reluctantly. Because what is this urban girl doing between the chickens and the vegetable garden in a village in Groningen, she asks herself.

The film can be seen in Dutch cinemas in 2024.

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