Stabbing and violent quarrels: violence after traffic conflict is more common

Last Wednesday, metal damage in Lith led to a serious argument between two motorists. A 38-year-old woman was dragged by a car during the argument and later died of her injuries. Emotions have often run high during a traffic quarrel in our province. An overview of recent years.

Tractor pierces car with hay tedder
An attempt to overtake led to a serious argument for an elderly couple on September 5, 2021. The couple wanted to overtake a tractor on the Plantagebaan in the Wouwse Plantage, but the driver did not allow it. After a second overtaking attempt, the man stopped his tractor and got out.

The driver knocked the driver down and kicked him. Then the man got back into his tractor and pierced the hood of the car with a hay tedder. The woman was still in the car at the time. The couple filed charges of attempted aggravated assault and attempted murder.

Man stabs truck driver
On August 30, 2021, a truck driver got into an argument with a motorist on the A59 near Maaspoort. The driver therefore punctured three tires of the truck. When the driver went to get a story, he was also stabbed. He was injured and was treated at the scene by paramedics. It is unclear what exactly the fight was about.

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Man assaulted after fight over priority
A 48-year-old man was seriously assaulted by three men on February 25 this year. At the intersection of the Market with the Rochussenlaan in Etten-Leur, drivers got into an argument about who should give way. The 48-year-old driver pulled his car to the side to recover.

The other driver then approached him with two other men. There was a fight and the 48-year-old man fell to the ground. He was then kicked in the face by the other driver. The man lost consciousness and suffered a broken eye socket.

Meal delivery man stabbed in the neck
A meal deliverer was stabbed in the neck on July 25, 2021 after an argument with a cyclist in Tilburg. He was standing at the intersection when a passing man hit the trunk of his delivery scooter. The two got into an argument, after which the cyclist took a sharp object from his bag. With this he stabbed the 40-year-old delivery man in the neck. The police arrested the man.

The victim's wound was stitched up in hospital.
The victim’s wound was stitched up in hospital.

Victim found unconscious on highway
A driver was found unconscious next to his car on the A16 on 6 September 2020. His face was swollen and teeth had been knocked out of his mouth. The man was allegedly assaulted after a traffic altercation, police said. There was no trace of the perpetrator. The victim couldn’t remember much afterwards.

All he remembered was that he was being followed for a while by the driver of a car, who had passed him earlier and hit his rear wheel. The victim decided to stop in the emergency lane, after which the other driver did the same. Then the fight would have started.

Seven men arrested
The police arrested seven men in Oss after a traffic dispute that, according to the police, had ‘completely gotten out of hand’. On May 12, 2018, two cars collided, after which the occupants of both cars got out. Blows fell between the seven men. There was also stabbing. Two men were injured.

Police at a car involved in the traffic altercation.  Photo: Gabor Heeres/SQ Vision Media Productions
Police at a car involved in the traffic altercation. Photo: Gabor Heeres/SQ Vision Media Productions

Man destroys car with lead pipe
On December 5, 2020, two drivers got into an argument on Eendrachtweg Halsteren after a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre. One of the drivers, a Zeeuw, pushed the other driver from Huijbergen into the verge with his car and all. The victim signaled with his lights, after which the Zeeuw braked unexpectedly for him a number of times.

Eventually, both drivers stopped at the side of the road. De Zeeuw grabbed a lead pipe and destroyed the victim’s car. He threatened him with death and then quickly drove away. De Zeeuw was later arrested at home by the police.


Tractor pierces car with hay shaker in traffic dispute

Motorist seriously assaulted by three men after arguing about priority

Meal deliverer (40) stabbed in the neck after traffic quarrel in Tilburg

Man severely assaulted in traffic dispute: victim (48) found unconscious on the highway
