Staatsbosbeheer: ‘Limburg forests still unsafe’ | 1Limburg

Forests in Limburg are not yet safe for walkers. Due to the storms of the past few days, many trees have fallen or branches are still hanging loose.

Staatsbosbeheer calls on people not to enter the (Limburg) forests for the time being.

Inventory damage
A spokesperson said that Staatsbosbeheer is currently busy making an inventory of the damage. “We advise to avoid the forests, there is still a lot of work to be done.” Foresters indicate where fallen trees need to be cleared. “If people still see something, they can always send an email.”

In the meantime, the forest and nature manager advises hikers to look for open areas such as heathland or arable land.

Also read: Damage to supermarket: heavy wind gusts again on Monday

Not much damage
Although the storms have caused a lot of nuisance, Staatsbosbeheer says that nature is recovering itself. “When a tree falls due to a storm, we see that as an additional effect. As soon as we have cleaned it up, nature recovers. So there is not that much damage. It is what it is.”
