Staatsbosbeheer carries out these activities in the Balijbos

In the coming weeks, trees will be cut down in various places in the Balijbos. You may think it’s a waste of the existing trees, but Staatsbosbeheer doesn’t do this for nothing.

Every six years, Staatsbosbeheer carries out maintenance in the forest plots of the Balijbos.

A lot of space

From Monday 24 July you will see the employees of Staatsbosbeheer working with machines in the forest behind Rokkeveen for a few weeks. Selected trees (marked orange) are cut down to make room for existing and new trees.

Young trees and shrubs

Between December and March, Staatsbosbeheer plants many different types of trees and shrubs. This makes the forest more varied and more resilient. A few fast growers ensure that a closed forest is created within a short time. The new planting includes Guelder rose, hawthorn, sweet cherry, pedunculate oak, hornbeam and poplar.

Potential for trail closures

Staatsbosbeheer promises to carry out the work without too much hindrance. However, it may sometimes be necessary to temporarily close a path. The sounds of machines are present in the forest and you can run into road plates and woodpiles.

Want to know more about felling wood in the forest? Then read this page on the website of Staatsbosbeheer.

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