St. Patrick 17 March: what is celebrated

F.easy to say Saint Patrickbut try to pronounce the name of Maewyin Succat without mistaking the accent! Yet, this was precisely the real name of the Scottish Saint, which he became patron saint of Ireland and whose death is celebrated on 17 March.

Originally from Britanniabelonged to a Roman noble family. He was probably born between 385 and 392 AD, when he was 16 he was kidnapped by Irish piratesthen sold as a slave to the king of Dalriada, who ruled over the territories of Northern Ireland and part of Scotland.

The story of St. Patrick

During the captivity he learned the Gaelic languagethe ancient Celtic language, and after six years of captivity managed to escape and return homeembracing the Christian faith and becoming a preacher of it.

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In 407 he became a deacon and Pope Celestine entrusted him withevangelization of British Isles and Ireland – precisely the territories of his imprisonment – a mission previously abandoned by another bishop, Palladius. Like this becomes deacon and with the Latin name of Patrizio he embarks on a priestly career reaching the office of bishop.

Saint Patrick depicted in a stained glass window. (Courtesy British Sicarr NeitherFanboy)

Thanks to the knowledge of the Gaelic language, the teaching of the gospel begins: the spread of Christianity in Ireland is due to him, even if inspired by Celtic paganism.

To allow the penetration of Christian ideas in Ireland, Patrick favored the combination of many Christian and pagan elements: introduced the solar cross on the Latin cross, making the Celtic cross the symbol of Celtic Christianity. Then, he explained the concept of the Trinity using the shamrock harvested in the meadows: that’s why since then too the clover is the symbol of Ireland.

He was threatened and imprisoned

His mission was not simple: Patrick met with opposition from manywas often threatened with death, captured, imprisoned and condemned, but his work was so important that even after his death, which occurred in 461 AD, his name got bigger and bigger and today is celebrated in his honor.

According to legend, after his death his body was entrusted to a pair of oxen who laid him spontaneously in Down, Northern Ireland, which has since changed its name to Downpatrick.

Saint Patrick

Celebrations based on emerald green accessories and pints of Guinness. (Courtesy Instagram @tourismireland)

How to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (also in Italy)

Much celebrated in Ireland, his country of origin, with concerts (a Belfast), a festival in his honor a Cork – which will continue until March 20 – and a traditional parade a LimerickSt. Patrick is also celebrated in Italy.

Saint Patrick

A parade in Ireland. (Courtesy Instagram @tourismireland)

In addition to an exponential increase in beer consumption, above all Guinness – in Italy on March 17 they come some of the national monuments are illuminated in green more important, such as the Colosseum or the Tower of Pisa. Milan hosts the “Irish Week“, From 12 to 20 March, a week dedicated to Irish culture, tradition and identity with exhibitions and shows art, photography, and thematic projections in cinemas.

