Sri Lankan president flees country amid economic crisis | NOW

Sri Lanka’s president fled the country early on Wednesday, days after protesters stormed his home and office and his prime minister’s official residence. Due to a serious economic crisis, there are serious shortages of food and fuel in the island state.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his wife and two bodyguards took off in a Sri Lankan Air Force plane to Male, the capital of the Maldives, a customs official told news agency ap.

Rajapaksa resigned after continued protests against his policies. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said he would leave as soon as a new government was formed. Protesters have vowed to occupy official buildings until senior leaders are gone.

Years of theft from the state treasury

Parliament agreed on Monday to elect a new president on July 20, but has not yet determined who will take over from the prime minister and who will join the cabinet.

The protesters accuse Rajapaksa and his family of years of theft from the state treasury. His government has exacerbated the crisis in the country by bad economic policies, according to angry Sri Lankans.

Heavy indebtedness

The new government will have to get the bankrupt country out of the economic and political crisis. Corruption and mismanagement have left the country heavily indebted and unable to afford the import of basic necessities. The shortages are causing despair among the 22 million Sri Lankans.

The political deadlock has further fueled the economic crisis. The International Monetary Fund threatens to withhold pledged financial support; In order to reach an agreement, the new government must present the fund with a debt settlement plan in August.


When asked whether China is in talks with Sri Lanka about possible loans, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not want to answer. “China will continue to provide assistance for Sri Lanka’s social development and economic recovery as far as it can,” Wang Wenbin said.

The new president will replace Rajapaksa until 2024, when his term ends. In order to appoint the new prime minister, the successor to the fugitive president does need the approval of parliament.
