Spring skincare: the crafty moves for beautiful skin

Lthe summer is already in the air and what better time to think to a new spring skincare, that helps to leave behind the greyness of winter and that reveals a healthy skin and brighter than ever?

Here are the good habits to give your skin an energy booster. Long last without mask outdoors.

Spring skincare: time to get back to good habits

Certain gestures are known, they should be maintained all year round, but in recent months it may have happened to many to forget to put the cream, or not to carry out a deep cleansing, a little for the laziness, which accompanies certain winter days, a little with the excuse of not having to show too much face .

January Jones and Miranda Kerr, two true “skincare addicted”, also on social networks. Credits: Instagram

It’s time to get back in line, choosing the right products based on the season and your skin typean indispensable condition for a healthy and, consequently, luminous face.

Peeling and scrub, how to choose them based on the type of skin

The steps are the same as always, starting with scrubs and peels, real regenerating treatments. “The ideal is to do them once or twice a week,” advises the doctor Chiara Bonatti, dermatologist in Milan and medical consultant for Yves Rocher.

“They have the same purpose, to remove superficial skin cells, but they should not be chosen at random. For delicate, easily irritated skin, and for mature, more sensitive ones, a peeling is better. Young skins without particular problems, on the other hand, as well as very oily ones, are more suitable for scrubs », advises the specialist.

Face cream, never without SPF

After cleaning, we move on to hydration, with a product that is also capable of defending from the sun’s rays.

«Spf protection is also essential in the city, to prevent the onset of stains. They do not appear immediately, but over a period of time that can reach up to ten years; it is better, however, to always play in advance because once formed it is really difficult to eliminate them», Continues Dr. Bonatti.

“The spots affect regardless of age, also favored by hormonal therapies, such as the classic contraceptive pill”, explains the expert.

The ideal protection factor? “From 30 upwards, an SPF 15 is essentially useless.”

Spring skincare: the evening is perfect for specific treatments

If the morning is perfect for prevention, in the evening, with more time available, you can dedicate yourself to specific treatments, to be chosen according to the type of skin.

«If the epidermis is oily, for example, acids such as salicylic and glycolic, the latter better if in moderate concentration as it is photosensitizing and could cause reactions with exposure to the sun. In the case of sensitive skin, however, it is perfect mandelic acid, an anti-inflammatory that helps to soothe and strengthen the skin barrier, especially in combination with Vitamin E», Continues the dermatologist.

Vitamin C, the beauty ingredient that lights up the skin

Whatever the type of skin, irreplaceable beauty ally is C vitamin. “It is, for example, one of the assets of the new line Anti Age Global Radiance by Yves Rocher, composed of an emulsion and illuminating drops.

In the morning I suggest theilluminating emulsion, in the evening, however, the precious illuminating dropswhich help to regain the glow effect that is lost over the years “, suggests the dermatologist.

The “slow medicine” applied to beauty

The secret, whatever product you choose, is consistency. «The natural cycle of the skin lasts about four weeks and sees the cells being born, in the deeper layers of the dermis, and dying, as they reach the more superficial layers and lose the nucleus », explains Doctor Bonatti.

«This mechanism is now very dear to the beauty world, which is embracing the concept of “Slow medicine”, the same at the base of the new Yves Rocher line. He means that i the most effective treatments are not the most traumatic ones for the skin, but those that follow its natural cyclealso because, in the long run, they guarantee better results », concludes the specialist.

Bio-revitalization, so the skin returns to shine

Not everything, of course, can be solved with serums and creams, despite the fact that the products on the market today are more than performing. A hand can be given by the dermatologist with specific treatments such as, for example, the bio-revitalization.

It has no contraindications, neither related to seasonality nor to the type of skin. It is, in fact, one non-invasive procedure, that through mini needles injects under the skin hyaluronic acid in short chain (ie more dense and fluid than a longer chain) peptides and vitamins. Between three to four sessions, they generally guarantee lasting results for several months. The ideal is to repeat the treatment with the change of season.

Another secret to shine again.

