Spring cleaning, how to apply the Cleansing Therapy

Pthoroughly clean the house. Not only opening the windows to fresh air but washing curtains, carpets and cushions, eliminating germs from sofas and beds, washing windows and fixtures, polishing floors and wooden furniture, cleaning oven and refrigerator. Spring cleaning is not only boring chores for a splendidly shining house but above all it helps to put your life in order. It is the principle of Cleaning Therapy.

Spring cleaning: the benefits of cleansing therapy

Once the house was thoroughly cleaned in view of Easter and the arrival of the first days of spring were the ideal accomplices to completely tidy up one’s spaces. A custom that has not been lost over time. March and April tend to be the months in which, coming out of the cold winter, you want fresh airfresh and maybe even colorful for your home.

It’s also a way to put your life back in order. It is the principle of cleansing therapy which is based on an anthropological aspect: body and space are strongly in symbiosis. A messy or dirty space creates anxiety, stress and agitation in the body: even in the workplace it is highlighted, usually on tidier and cleaner desks you work better and with greater concentration.

A a clean, tidy home, perhaps even with some new and colorful details, is a space that immediately conveys peace and tranquillity to those who live it. For this reason, when cleaning, we also tend to declutter, to eliminate all that is superfluous to start spring lighter and with new energy.

Marie Kondo, the statement you don't expect: «My house is messy»

Where to start for spring cleaning

But where to start? Setting priorities and then proceeding room by room, perhaps one a day so as to have a method and, once concluded, to be able to admire the results. A detail, the latter, not to be underestimated because it gives the motivation to continue.

Then enter a room, we proceed from top to bottom, from the ceiling to the floor. Then, any cobwebs are removed, the curtains are removed and washed, the tops of wardrobes and furniture are cleaned. Then we proceed to the chandeliers and all the light points, glass, fixtures and shutters. Further down, shelves and various pieces of furniture, doors and radiators up to sofas, armchairs, beds and carpets that need to be beaten with a carpet cleaner or washed. Finally he washes and polishes the floor. The reason for this proceeding? Because this kind of cleaning tends to raise a lot of dust that settles slowly on low surfaces. By doing so, you give it time to settle and then eliminate it.

Cleaning the most problematic spaces: the refrigerator…

This is the the right time to also put your hand to the refrigerator, the oven and the pantry. The refrigerator must be clean both inside and out. After having disconnected the current, it is emptied completely (it is an opportunity to eliminate everything that has expired) and we start by removing the removable shelves. For cleaning it is You need a microfiber cloth wet with warm water and baking soda, ideal for cleaning the inside walls of the fridge. Please, to avoid halos it is better to dry them at the end. Subsequently, all the removable parts and the exterior are washed and dried, always drying them at the end.

It is also the occasion for clean the tray that collects the condensateif it is located outside, to be washed with a disinfectant detergent, e if desired, the rear condenser by passing it with a vacuum cleaner so as to eliminate all residues and improve its performance. Once concluded, it must be restarted and filled again, after having also cleaned the packages containing the food. And for avoid bad smells, just place a bowl half full of baking soda on the bottom that absorbs the aromas, you just need to replace it from time to time.

…And the oven

Baking soda is also a perfect ingredient for cleaning the oven. Indeed it also has sanitizing and antibacterial properties. After removing all the grills and trays from the oven, proceed by removing the dirt with a damp cloth of warm water, baking soda and a few drops of lemon passing it over the entire internal structure.

Alternatively, there are also three other methods: it can be done dissolve coarse salt in hot water, and then apply on the spots for about 15 minutes to let it act. Or they can Squeeze two lemons onto a high-sided pan and then add some water. At this point it is placed in the oven and placed at an average temperature for about 30 minutes: the evaporating water causes the lemon to act on the walls of the oven, descaling them, eliminating bad smells and grease.

Finally, white kitchen vinegar can also be used. She puts half a glass of it in a saucepan and brings it to the boil; in the meantime, turn on the oven at a low temperature, 100°C, and then place the saucepan inside the oven for 15 minutes. Then it is turned off and left to cool. At this point, it can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

