Spread it: there is a high chance of burning during King’s Day | Inland

On Tuesday the sun will become a bit brighter and the sun will reach sun power in the center and south of our country for the first time this spring. This is a moderate sun power where unprotected skin, depending on the skin type, can easily burn within 15 to 25 minutes. The sun’s power has to do with the amount of UV radiation that lets through the ozone layer and that reaches the earth and not with the temperature.

Not very warm

On King’s Day, this will be between 12 degrees at the sea and 17 degrees in the south. Sun and clouds alternate and it is not very warm, so you may not think about applying sunscreen so quickly. Nevertheless, it is advisable on King’s Day, when many people go to the free market or have a drink outside, according to the weather bureau. On Thursday and Friday the sun power will be 5 throughout the country, after the weekend the sun power will decrease somewhat.

The amount of ultraviolet radiation increases as the sun rises and varies with the seasons and time of day. In the Netherlands, the sun power varies between 0 and 10. In the summer, the sun power often comes out around 7 to 8.
