Spread between demolition and new construction: man from Meulebeke has been paying a penalty for months

Spread between demolition and new construction: man from Meulebeke has been paying a penalty for months

Alexander Ghekiere rented out his house at the time, but they had the house checked for reliability and the house was eventually even declared uninhabitable. He wants to build a new building on the same site, which was also the original intention. But in the meantime he has to demolish the house by order of the judge. “But that’s not an option,” says Alexander: renovating now is a waste of money if you want to build a new building here.”

Demolition is also not possible: “I use the utilities of the house for my mobile home,” says Alexander. “I came to live here in that caravan because otherwise I would also have to pay vacancy tax.” (Read more below the photo)

In the meantime, Alexander has been paying a penalty for several months: 100 euros per month that the house has not been demolished. “But I object to that,” says Alexander: “I actually think this is unheard of government practices.”
