Spotify and FC Barcelona sign an unprecedented partnership

This Tuesday, March 15, 2022, Spotify announced an unprecedented partnership with FC Barcelona, ​​one of the biggest football clubs in the world. Objective : ” unite music and football “.

Benvinguts at the Spotify Camp Nou estadi!

This collaboration will take place in several ways. First of all, the Camp Nou, Barça’s mythical stadium that can accommodate up to more than 99,000 spectators, will be renamed Spotify Camp Nou. This is the first time in its history that the stadium has changed its name. From the 2022/2023 season and for four years, the shirts of FC Barcelona’s women’s and men’s teams, as well as those worn during training, will bear the Spotify logo as main sponsor.

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On Spotify’s side, the goal of this partnership is to bring together the worlds of music and football, the most popular sport in the world. ” It’s about connecting fans with artists of all kinds – players and artists, music and sports. FC Barcelona fans and music lovers on Spotify will unite to form a massive, globally connected community, bridging the worlds of music and football. The vision of this partnership is to create a new platform to help artists interact with the global community of FC Barcelona fans. “, explains Alex Norström, Chief Freemium Business Officer of Spotify, in A press release.

While it is difficult to imagine how this will translate for the Swedish giant, Nordström details: Spotify is working with Barca to leverage our access to stadium assets to amplify artists and enable discovery. For example, using dynamic digital displays to showcase and geographically target artists relevant to Barça’s global TV audience. While European viewers may see one message about an artist, Indian viewers may receive a different, locally relevant message. “.

Artist's impression of the Camp Nou with its new name.Artist's impression of the Camp Nou with its new name.

Camp Nou will change its name for the first time in its history. Image: FC Barcelona / Spotify

A welcome partnership for FC Barcelona

Although the amount of the agreement between the two entities has not been revealed by the latter, the media SPORTS indicates that it would be worth 280 million euros. This sum could have been much higher if the Blaugrana club had a higher percentage of registered fans: it has nearly 350 million fans worldwide, but only 1% of them are registered.

This partnership with Spotify, the number 1 in music streaming in the world, comes at a time when FC Barcelona is in the red financially, which has for example forced it to lower the salaries of some of its executive players, and to let go. his superstar Lionel Messi who eventually signed for Paris Saint-Germain. Despite these difficulties, the Swedish company intends to capitalize on the huge fanbase of the Spanish club: ” The more fans engage with our platform, the more opportunities creators have to make a living from their art, and FC Barcelona’s massive fan base will help fuel that growth. And for fans – whether they’re music fans or Barca fans – we’ll create more interactive and exciting experiences to connect them with the artists they love. », continues Alex Norström.

The agreement must be validated by the General Assembly of the club on April 3, but it should be widely approved since it would give a facelift to the image of the club, Spotify being very popular with the younger generations.
