Spotify acquires Sonantic, a start-up specializing in speech synthesis

Spotify continues to roll out its acquisition strategy. The Swedish giant has just buy Sonantica startup that uses artificial intelligence to produce voices “extremely realistic”. This technology could allow Spotify to completely rethink the user experience on its platform.

Sonantic’s AI can improve the platform experience

With Sonantic, Spotify could offer recommendations to its users, even when they are not looking at their screen. This acquisition could allow the Swedish giant to improve the browsing experience of users by reducing the obstacles to listening. No more dependence on the visual interface. Social networks like Instagram and TikTok already use text-to-speech.

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With such technology, the platform may have a better chance of attracting listeners accustomed to finding their music on social networks. The two companies declined to disclose financial terms of the deal. Some time ago, Sonantic raised $3 million from a group of investors. The timing of the acquisition is also unclear. We do not know if the agreement has been concluded or if it is still being negotiated.

Whatever, it’s another nice move from the Swedish giant. Ziad Sultan, head of personalization at Spotify, explains that “We are very excited to integrate Sonantic’s voice technology into our platform and create new experiences for our users. This integration will allow us to engage users in a new and even more personalized way.”.

Voice synthesis: a way to increase the number of plays?

With Sonantic, Spotify plans to use text-to-speech to bring more recommendations and audio descriptions to users who aren’t looking at their screen. A technology that could be very useful for people driving or those who listen to music or podcasts while doing something else. A Spotify spokesperson clarified that “we believe that in the long term, high-quality voice will be important in increasing our audience share”.

Zeena Qureshi and John Flynn, co-founders of Sonantic, said that “We believe in the power of the voice and its ability to foster a deeper connection with listeners around the world. We know we will have more impact with the biggest audio platform in the world”. Sonantic’s technology could also be used to develop tools that would facilitate the production of podcasts.

At the same time, Spotify intends to keep Sonantic’s activities with video game studios. This axis of development certainly represents a new front for Spotify. That of the diversification of its activities with products oriented towards professionals. An area that Spotify has not yet exploited, but which could allow the company to expand its activities and increase its income.
