Sportweek, Moioli interview: “Only boredom scares me”

The snowboard Olympian in Pyeongchang, silver in Beijing: “I’m fussy and I hate having nothing to do. Family and friends my refuge, happiness must be shared”

The strength of women is to fall and stand up, the strength of women is not to give up even if you have taken a facade on the ice while looking for an Olympic encore. Michela Moioli, the strength of women embodies it very well. She, who arrived in Beijing with the weight of a gold medal in snowboardcross conquered in PyeongChang in 2018, was unable to confirm herself, but she was not discouraged, on the contrary she restarted at full speed by winning a silver paired with Omar Visintin. Because together it is more beautiful, because she, an athlete of the Army and Alpine, fits perfectly in a team, as well as in a group, when it is necessary to have a lunch at the refuge after a day of ski mountaineering, her hobby when she is not plowing slopes I tame the board.
