Sports world and connection with money laundering: where does this come from?

Response of the Royal Dutch Motorcyclists Association (KNMV)

RTV Drenthe has also asked the KNMV for a response. The union says it is following the news about this case, but also says that this case does not directly affect the association. “It is still too early to draw conclusions,” a spokesperson said.

In general, the association says it does not receive any signals of criminal practices in recreational sports. “We don’t see that happening. But it is also not a sport, barring exceptions, in which you can really make a career. We often see that mom or dad is the sponsor of the young guests, or else an enthusiastic neighbor.”

“But as a federation, this is not what we are directly concerned about. But it is a sport that costs money, so there is always a chance that there are people who abuse it.”

At one of the motocross teams sponsored by Jumbo there is great surprise about the search at Van Eerd. “I fell out of my seat in amazement when I read it this morning,” said Jumbo co-funded MX2 team owner Nestaan ​​Husqvarna, who is also involved in the management of motocross champion Jeffrey Herlings. “I do not recognize any of this story and I know Frits as a person of great integrity,” he told ANP news agency.
