Sports sector comes up with an alternative to ban on gambling advertising | More Sports

The sports sector comes up with an alternative to the ban on gambling advertising by Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne. So says Lorin Parys, the CEO of the Pro League.

Van Quickenborne has a Royal Decree ready with which he wants to seriously restrict gambling advertising in our country. It should no longer be allowed on TV and radio, just like on websites, social media, posters and in newspapers and magazines. Sports sponsorship by gambling companies will also be overhauled if it depends on Van Quickenborne. By the end of 2024, all gambling brands should be gone from football jerseys.

The minister’s plans can count on the support of the other majority parties, with the exception of the French-speaking liberal sister party MR. That is why the idea was discussed at the core cabinet on Friday. According to MR, it was agreed there that the project will be reworked, but that reading of the facts is then denied by other parties.

“Measures may cut income”

The sports clubs are now coming up with their own proposal. Parys consulted with his colleagues from the basketball, volleyball and cycling leagues. They see no benefit in a ban, but are willing to take measures so that advertising is not specifically aimed at young people. In addition, no ‘call to action’, such as a banner, would be incorporated in the advertising.

“We are prepared to work out strict measures, even if they cut income,” says Parys. As an example, he gives, among other things, that every expression of advertising would be submitted to the games of chance commission and that it would no longer be possible to bet on phases in matches.

The reasoning is that if there were a total ban on gambling advertising, the risk that players would resort to illegal sites would increase. There is a risk that minors or people on the blacklist will also participate. The four sports are prepared to have their initiatives cast in a law that would then apply to the entire sports sector.
